Monday, 13 January 2014

The girls are back in town!!!


It's oficial as of today THE GIRLS are back in town!!!!!!
It's been a long exciting wait for the hit show Girls to come back on, not sure if its only me but I've been counting down the days and occasionally stalking Lena Dunham on instagram to see how its going. I remember back two years ago, witnessing each preview I thought to my self this show looks right up my ally. It was a group of girls in their early 20's trying to figure out who they were, where they were going and who they were going with. To seek a crazy adventure, dance on cocaine, have sex with a minor, get a cotton tip stuck in you ear and cut your own hair, this is the average type of things you expect from our girls.

 Hannah says at the start of the season she is the voice of her generation and I believe that in the show and real life. Lena Dunham has put together quite an amazing show. She understands how us as viewers feel and we can see that through the show. I think the reason I loved it so much as well as others is how much you can relate to it. Its good to get a Girls perspective not just the boys side, like sure we had Sex and the city and Gossip girl but this feels somewhat more realistic like some of the crazy shenanigans my gal pals and I get up too. Half the time I feel me and Hannah (Lena Dunham) are so alike creative, yet crazy at the same time. Although I feel there's a little Jessa (Jemima Kirk) in me too with her free spirit and bohemian attributes to life. I just love the randomness and ruckus they cause. It's somewhat inspiring in away. I look forward to seeing what this season has in store for us!!!!

For now I bid you fair well and leave you with some inspiration to live you life just like our Girls!!
So eat-drink-be-merry-for-tomorow-we-die-spirit

Xo Diana

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