Sunday, 15 March 2015

Come Alive


This blog was created as a space to showcase my creativity as well as thoughts and my life.I wanted to share myself to the world. I titled it Vibrance my wonderland after my final collection when studying design. The name was meant to empower an atmosphere filled with the depths of your imagination and create a land where yours wildest dreams could come true as well as represent the colourful vibrance in life. In saying that the name of my collection was a perfect out reach of the same creativity I wanted to fill my blog with.

One of the main things that keeps me going in life is creativity. I live for it. Without it I believe this world would be a very dull place. Lately I've been using one main art of creativity that I'm still a little reluctant to share with the world at this point. But don't worry I'm sure I will be willing to share soon. It's quiet the surprise and a bit of a career change for my self. Its scaring yet fun and thrilling at the same time. 

I find when I start something new I generally pour my heart and soul into it. Although its a great outlet of creativity and I love what I'm doing. I have found that I've lost my self a bit in the process and need to add balance back into my life. I've left my original fashion designer side slip away and I'd like to take control and gain it back. Sure.. I'm still dressing my self well and creating new looks "to di for " but I've stopped designing, creating, sewing and blogging. I feels as though telling you guys aka "the world" will motivate me to bring some of my old self back!

In saying that I am going to continue my new Journey and still pour my heart into it as much as I can. But the difference is, I'm going to start having me time to unleash my inner imagination and let it run wild!!!       

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Xo Diana. D 

For those of you guys who do follow me sorry for the Hiatus! This girl is finally back in town for good!!!  So enjoy, be merry and follow me into a world of VIBRANCE MY WONDERLAND 

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